The Processing IDEA plugin aims to streamline writing and managing Processing sketches in the IntelliJ IDE
An alpha version (1.0.0a) is available for download.
Follow this guide to install the plugin, once the archive is downloaded.
Requires IntelliJ IDEA 2016 or later.
MD5: 66a298acdbdd649b6b7a87371f3e2c24
Learn how the plugin works and find out other plugin related information.
Coming soon.
New Sketch Project Creation
Create new sketch projects without a pre-existing install of the Processing IDE. Compile sketches that are based on different versions of the Processing library.

Multiple Sketch Run Configurations
Manage multiple sketch run-time parameters using Run Configurations. Create several main sketch classes in a single sketch project.

Import Existing Sketches
Import existing Processing IDE sketches converting them automatically into a Java IntelliJ project.

Planned for Beta release
Export to Processing IDE
Export sketch projects as a valid Processing IDE sketchbook.
Contribution Explorer
A convenient interface for accessing and using community contributed Processing libraries.
Smarter Import
Enhance the PDE sketch import logic further to better support the Processing language grammar.
Is this project part of the Processing foundation? What is 'Processing'?
This project has no affiliation with the Processing foundation and is not part of the foundation. If you are not familiar with the Processing language/foundation/IDE, refer to the Processing website for more information.
Does this plugin add Processing language support to IntelliJ? Can I work with .pde files directly?
This plugin does not add support for the Processing language, nor does it attempt to replace the Processing IDE. The Processing IDE compliments the language, and the overall philosophy of the Processing project. Instead, this plugin is intended to simplify aspects of working with the Processing library, for individuals who prefer working in their IDE of choice.
Should the importer produce fully valid Java projects? I get compilation errors in my project post-import.
The importer takes a best effort approach to importing sketchbooks in the PDE format. Depending on the structure of the sketch, the conversion may not produce a compilable project and some manual correction would be necessary. In this alpha release, it is rather dumb and does not handle all of the Processing conventions. Notably, primitive cast methods are not converted. By the beta, it is hoped that imported sketches will require almost no manual syntactic changes. Depending on how the sketch was written, re-structuring may remain a necessity.
Will support for older versions of IntelliJ be added?
Depends on demand, but it is not an immediate priority.
How can I contribute?
Until the beta is released, the most useful contribution is real world usage. Feedback on what is good and bad in terms of workflow and bug reports are valuable. Issues can be raised here.